Step into the future with us
Activism Reflections
Written by Scarlett Musu / 22.11.2021
It’s 2030, and we’ve achieved each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals we set in 2015, contributing to a safe, equal, and sustainable world for all.
Written by Scarlett Musu / 22.11.2021

So what does that look like?
There is no poverty.
We took a gendered approach to supporting people out of poverty – and looked at how violence against women had impacted women’s ability to be financially independent. Women now have more access to resources, more control over their finances, and are increasingly creating sustainable income streams that benefit not only them, but their communities.

There is zero hunger.
Everybody has access to sustainable, nutritious food sources. Women no longer face threats of violence when travelling to collect food, water, and firewood for heating and cooking. Because there is no food insecurity, families are supported to thrive and their health and relationships are stronger.
Everybody has access to quality education.
Girls do not face the barriers to education they once did, like violence at schools. Now, all people have access to quality education. More and more girls are receiving higher education and, as a result, there are less child marriages. Education has supported young girls out of poverty, out of child marriage, away from violence, and onto a path where their children have the same positive opportunities.
All people lead healthy lives and experience good well-being.
All people have access to healthcare and experience autonomy over decision-making for their health. Our world has become more accessible, ensuring that everybody is included, welcomed, supported, and met where they are. People with disabilities do not face the same barriers to society they once did, and diversity is celebrated in all its forms.
There is increased support for mental health and well-being, and the flow-on effect from reaching our Sustainable Development Goals means that less people experience health issues, which has particularly impacted women and gender-diverse people in a positive way.

We have achieved gender equality.
Ending gender inequality has, in turn, ended violence against women and girls. We took an intersectional approach to ending gender inequality, which meant that all forms of inequality were also addressed. All people now live free from violence, are respected, celebrated, and have equal access to power and resources.
All people have access to clean water and sanitation.
The worldwide issue of water scarcity has been solved. A gendered and intersectional approach was adopted and now, all people have access to clean water and sanitation. Water collection is shared equally – and women no longer face violence whilst collecting water.
Everybody has access to affordable and clean energy.
With violence against women and girls having been prevented, women can collect fuel sources safely. All people have access to sustainable and clean energy, which positively impacts global health and helps to prevents 4.3 million deaths each year that previously were caused by indoor air pollution.

Everybody has safe and decent work.
Unpaid work, such as caregiving and household duties, of which the majority was once undertaken by women, is now paid, valued and validated as equal to other forms of work. ] Everybody has access to safe and decent work, and the workforce is representative of all people, at every level, across society.
We have tackled the global climate issue.
We have kept the earth’s temperature increase below 1.5ºC and reduced carbon emissions by 50%. Urgent, organised, and innovative action was taken to halt the climate crisis and mitigate the damage that had been done. World leaders stepped down and, instead, Indigenous peoples around the world led us forward. While we weren’t able to reverse all climate damage, an intersectional approach was adopted to address effects of climate change, which meant that women and girls were not subject to violence in the wake of disasters and the preservation of Indigenous communities was prioritised.
Cities are inclusive, safe and sustainable.
Now, 60% of the global population lives in cities and they’re safe for everyone. Women and girls, and gender-diverse people, move freely, feeling safe in public spaces. They no longer face harassment or violence when walking alone at night. Sustainability has been prioritised, which has seen the introduction of more natural elements into cities, and a focus on supporting people living in cities to feel healthy and happy.

We live in a peaceful society.
Our justice systems have been transformed to provide support and justice for all. These systems are trauma-informed, survivor-centred, anti-racist and free from bias and discrimination. There is a focus on healing and holding perpetrators accountable in meaningful ways. This not only supports survivors, but contributed to the end of violence against women and girls.
We have a resilient, sustainable, and innovative economy.
The economy is sustainable and is driven by workers’ knowledge and innovation. A gendered and intersectional approach has been taken, which means the economy serves us all, and enables people of all genders to drive innovation forward.

Want to help make this imagined future a reality?
Read our report on how violence against women and girls is linked with the Sustainable Development Goals, and why prioritising ending this violence can help us achieve these goals. Together, we can build the future we want, need and deserve.