As we celebrate our sixth anniversary and embark on the next five years, we present our 5-Year Organisational Vision and Strategy. This strategy serves as a roadmap to work towards our vision of a world in which diversity is celebrated, all people are respected, and power and resources are shared equally.
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Our 5-Year Organisational Vision and Strategy outlines our priorities, activities and outcomes, for the next five years (2021 – 2026), as well as our values, unique superpowers and ways of working.
We will contribute to a radical reimagining of our world, by:
- Strengthening the prevention of violence against women and girls through ethical and participatory research;
- Expanding investment in, and scale-up of, evidence-based and feminist-informed strategies to advance gender equality and end violence against women and girls;
- Inspiring a global feminist conversation and igniting social change;
- Nurturing stronger and more inclusive organisations, leaders and movements; and
- Continuing to build a thriving team and impactful feminist organisation.
As a global feminist agency working to advance gender equality and end violence against women and girls, our 5-Year Organisational Vision and Strategy, is designed to be even bolder in addressing inequality and supporting violence prevention efforts to thrive.
Years in the making, this strategy was brought to life, with the support and guidance of peers and colleagues around the globe. It recognises that we are not alone – that we exist in a vast ecosystem of like-minded organisations and individuals, travelling a path that was carved by courageous activists before us. It’s only together that we can achieve this vision and we thank all those who have, continue to, and will in the future, contribute to this work.

Based on our unique strengths, we undertake activities across five broad strategies:
- Research & Evaluation
- Policy & Advocacy
- Creative Communications
- Learning & Transformation
- Organisational Sustainability & Staff Well-being
This work, and its aligned activities and outcomes, are explored in detail in the strategy, as well as the emerging issues of focus that intersect with VAWG.
Alongside the efforts of other organisations focused on promoting human rights and equality (anti-racism, LGBTQI-rights, disability advocacy, movements for decolonisation, etc), the work of EQI contributes to wider social justice outcomes.
We are in the midst of a global pandemic, a climate crisis, a racial justice reckoning and despite significant progress, violence against women and girls remains an epidemic.
Our five-year strategy directly targets the challenges we've identified the in field, offering evidence-based, yet inventive, solutions to:
- Inadequate and ineffective funding;
- A lack of communications expertise and creative collateral;
- Limited evidence of what works to prevent violence against women and girls in complex settings and with diverse communities;
- A lack of support for diverse feminist leadership;
- A limited focus on structural reform and whole-of-government approaches to prevention; and
- Traditional, outdated learning systems which hinder capacity strengthening.
These unprecedented times offer an opportunity for a radical reimagining of our world. Join us in doing so – and let’s work towards a future where fewer women and girls experience violence; respectful relationships are the norm; and diverse feminist movements thrive.
- Access the interactive online version here (including interactive links and buttons - press them to listen)
- Access an accessible digital pdf for download here