What’s your data telling you about progress on gender equality in your organisation?
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Calling all public entities! You might know that in February 2024, public entities in Victoria will be required to report on their progress under the Gender Equality Act. This means that all public entities must report on their gender impact assessments, describe their progress in implementing and resourcing their Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP), and assess the progress being made against each of the workplace gender equality indicators.

So we’ve created a series of Tip Sheets to support you, and all organisations, in interpreting that data.
It sets out a simple approach to discover the stories the data reveals when it comes to progress on gender equality in your workplace, including evaluating what might need to change, and how you can accelerate future impact.
The collection of four Tip Sheets will support organisations to consider:
- WHAT has changed & WHO has this change affected?
- HOW have your strategies and measures supported change?
- WHERE have you resourced change?
- WHAT progress has your organisation made on the workplace gender equality indicators?
Remember, reporting takes time and resources, so it’s important to make sure it has an impact.
Taking the time to interpret the data effectively and tell your organisation’s whole story supports you to:
- Show the progress your organisation has made so far.
- See and celebrate areas of achievement and identify areas where focus is needed (like any good story there will be ups and downs).
- Identify what is driving positive change and where the barriers are (i.e. what’s working and what isn’t) so you can adjust.
- Justify resourcing and prioritisation of your GEAP – by showing that action across the organisation really does create change.
Good luck! How your learnings are used at this halfway point can accelerate progress and contribute to your organisation leading the way on GEAP implementation!
Find out more in each of the Tip Sheets or get in touch with EQI’s Workplace Gender Equality team. You can email us at: GEA@equalityinstitute.org