
Oak Foundation and Together for Girls

What Works to Prevent Sexual Violence Against Children

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Together with OAK Foundation and Together for Girls, The Equality Institute conducted an evidence review on What Works to Prevent Violence Against Children. Building off the INSPIRE framework “Seven Strategies to Prevent Violence Against Children”, this evidence review considered strategies focused on the prevention of sexual violence specifically.

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First shot of an empty swing, with a young boy blurred in the back playing in an orange duck playground bouncy


The research aimed to advance our understanding of how to conduct research on violence against women that is ethical, safe and rigorous, in the context of sma


The document acts as a resource for policy makers, advocates, program officers and more, to understand what works to prevent sexual violence in childhood and adolescence.

Cover page of 'What works to preven sexual violence against children' report
Circle diagram showing in different colours, the different dimensions of sexual violence agaisnt children


Building off the INSPIRE framework “Seven Strategies to Prevent Violence Against Children,” this evidence review looked at strategies specifically focused on preventing sexual violence. We then categorised these interventions as effective, promising, prudent, conflicting, no effect, or harmful. From school-based, safe-dating programs to community mobilisation efforts, these evidence-based solutions showcase that there are practical, cost-effective programs that can help break the cycle of violence.


Sexual violence affects girls and boys in every country around the world. For far too long it has been a silent pandemic, with little awareness of the scope, scale, and consequences of the problem or understanding of potential solutions. That silence has allowed violence against children to perpetuate. However, there is hope. Recently, there has been a global awakening to the issue of sexual violence against children. While there has been little conversation around solutions to prevent sexual violence, this document intends to change that.