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Other Projects

Below is a list of further highlighted work. Click through to learn more about each individual project.

Almost 2 in 3 women have experienced physical and/or sexual vioelnce by an intimate partner in their lifetime.

Co-created with House of Sarah and UN Women Fiji Multi-Country Office (MCO), this paper tells the...

Cover of the Five-Year Organisational Vision & Strategy of EQI.

As we celebrate our sixth anniversary and embark on the next five years, we present our 5-Year...

iPhone showing on their screens three of the most engaging content of the Young Luv Instagram account.

Djirra Young Luv Instagram Campaign

Creative Communications

Djirra and The Equality Institute worked together to design and deliver a launch campaign to...

A couple enjoying the sunshine during Coronavirus Quarantine, wearing protective masks.

The Gender & Health Hub

Creative Communications

We are working with UNU–IIGH as their Communications Partner to deliver the Gender &...

A Black young girl laughing and claping in the middle, surrounded by other Black women and girls in a village

Gender Equality Toolbox

Creative Communications

The EQI was engaged by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation across multiple projects including...

Black and white portrait of three smiling Black young women, with traditional clothes, looking at the camera

The paper presents findings from a global scoping of funding and advocacy within the VAWG...

Extended Reading


Browse further work and resources and click through to access accompanying papers, reports and documents.

Research & Learning

Understand what intersectionality is, why it matters and how to apply it at work, to DEI efforts,...

Research & Learning

Most diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are failing. Here’s what to do instead.

Cover of 'Tarngajuku Pangukujuku Pirrjirdi - Channels of Hope: Adaptation of 'Hopeful, Together, Strong' Framework'. It has the title written on it along with the date (2021). It is a deep ochre-red, with a couple of earthy coloured lines swirling on the cover.

Research & Learning

Tarngajuku Pangukujuku Pirrjirdi principles is the first adaptation of the Hopeful, Together,...

Excerpt from the 'COFEM Feminist Pocketbook Introduction'. Paragraphs include 'What is COFEM?', 'What is COFEM's Feminist Pocketbook?', 'Why is a feminist perspective important?', 'Who is the Pocketbook for?', and 'How to use this Pocketbook'.

Leadership & Advocacy

The Equality Institute were engaged by COFEM to research and develop a series of tip sheets that...

Blue rectangle with the phrase 'COVID-19 will likely increase intimate partner violence'

Creative Communications

COVID-19 affects people of different genders differently, yet response strategies, policies and...

Cover page of EQI's 2019-2019 annual report

Creative Communications

Our work to end violence against women and girls requires imagination; an ability to see a...